Monday, June 15, 2015


What a week, what a week!!!

I don't know what it is, but when we have a bad week, the next week seems to be so much better! Pray for miracles and you will receive miracles!!

Tuesday was a really interesting day, we met someone named Ava! She requested a Bible in really excited to go give it to her and be able to explain the restoration. Little did we know she would bible bash with us, it was an intense conversation!! She told us how there are only two spirits on earth, Satans  spirit and Jesus Spirit! If you follow Jesus Christ you have the spirit but if you don't then you have the Devils. It was really awkward! We told her how we all have a spirit and it's our spirit and she said no, you don't have a body, your nothing because it's Jesus Spirit and he can take it away.  I stopped her in the middle of her rant and told her to stop, I told her "if you don't believe in what we share then that's fine, we are only here to share what we have to say and its your choice to accept it " she continued to tell us how wrong we were and that she feared for our lives! She asked If she could pray for us and we said yes, she started to raise her hands and yell loud and said that she wants the devil shaken out of us, I started busting up laughing, in the middle of the prayer and couldn't control myself, after the prayer was over she look at us and said, the job is done!  We left with our testimony with her and said If she was interested she could call us, it won't happen! 

Sunday was the best day ever! Not just because it was church but  because of what happened and the spirit that was there. During Sunday school we were able to talk about baptism, we broke up into groups and I was paired up with one of our investigators Kimberly! The question that she had is Why are we baptized? I had her turn to 2 Nephi 31 and as she read she started to tear up, she read 2 Nephi 31:13 and said that that was the verse!  The verse says "
13 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, I know that if ye shall follow the Son, with full purpose of heart, acting no hypocrisy and no deception before God, but with real intent, repenting of your sins, witnessing unto the Father that ye are willing to take upon you the name of Christ, by baptism--yea, by following your Lord and your Savior down into the water, according to his word, behold, then shall ye receive the Holy Ghost...." She turned to me with a tear in her eye and said that feels like she is having that change of heart, That She is doing what God wants her to do! 
It is amazing to see how god has prepared her and the change she has made in her life!! We are so so so excited for her and the choice how to be baptized!! 

We were on the exchanges this week and we were able to have so many experiences, we taught so many children of God! And help bring many people closer to Jesus Christ! The exchange was almost over and. we were going to get in contact with one of our potential investigators,  before it was too late , her neighbor was getting out of her car,  we decided to say hello to her and start a conversation with her. Can't recognize us as representatives of Jesus Christ! We were able to discuss the Book of Mormon and that it can bless our lives,  she said she has one but has never read it before, she said that she wants to read it and would love us to come and read with her! Yes!!! She is golden!! As we were leaving, she was pulling food out of her car and her daughter said mom there are no biscuits in here, and she was planning on eating biscuits!  And the best southern voice possible she said "we drove 45 minutes no biscuits!?!? oh you better believe it when I get back in the house I am going to call them! That is not right!" Oh my goodness I was dying of laughter!!! 

It truly is a great blessing to be able to be a missionary! Even through all the crazies and rough people! It's hard work but it's definitely worth it! I still have no idea what I am doing but,  two people can do anything if one of them is the Lord! I have held onto that saying since the beginning of my mission! 

I have learned so much and grown so much and I am still continuing to grow and learn! It's the best and I love every minute of it! Even through all the fears and tears, I am being molded and shaped the way God wants me to be! 

Scripture of the Week: Mosiah 24:16 "And it came to pass that so great was their faith and their patience that the voice of the Lord came unto them again, saying: Be of good comfort, for on the morrow I will deliver you out of bondage." I love this scripture because it teaches, that if we have that faith in Jesus Christ that all things will be okay, just because we are having a hard time, doesn't mean that we need to blame God for what happens, we will be okay, God will help us and lift us up out of our trials and our difficulties! Trust in God 24/7! He is there to help you and to lift you up through everything! 

Story of the Week: 
I wanted a watermelon today and well....I was knocking on a watermelon to decide which one was good or not, as I was knocking and picking them up and putting them down, a little girl stared and me and said " Mom....Why is she knocking on a watermelon..." And with a stare in her face looked at me as if I was crazy! All I wanted was a good watermelon and this watermelon is good!! Knocking pays off!!! ;) 

I hope you have a blessed week!! Sure love y'all!

Sister McCulloch 

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