Here's Charlie's post for the week:
Well this week was very interesting!! We washed our car, waxed it( Zone conference)!!
So it was pretty good!!!
Zone Conference!! Wow that was good!! I had super fun!! The sad thing is they almost forgot about us. We almost didn't' sing in the meeting!!
But Elder Godwin( The District leader/ Piano player) really wanted to find out because he didn't want all of our practicing to go to a waste.
Well I really enjoyed it!! When we practiced the song I didn't have a hard time singing it. But when it got to that moment when we where singing I lost it just a little in the beginning!! The song we chose to sing was I know my Redeemer lives. I thought about my dad so much!! I know he was there with me at that zone conference and will never leave me.
Well this week we had exchanges this week!! Funny thing is that I actually got to go into the other area!! We helped someone pull of wall paper!! I loved it!! I could do that all day long!!
The pretty sad thing this week is that we had our little missionary movie night. So we popped a lot of pop corn and we only had 3 people come.
We watch meet the Mormons!! It was really fun to do!!
Well Saturday!! That was a pretty good day. Except when we bumped into drunk people at the elders apartments!! That was so interesting!! One of the members was there; she had been drinking also, but she told the men that they can not be to close to these girls when they have been drinking!
But we left as soon as possible that we could leave. We went over to see one Miss______. She totally saved us!! She was the best!! She was happy that we could get away from them that fast!!
Well Sunday!! I taught Preach My Gospel class!! Looked at it that morning!! So the funny thing is that we did a lot of role plays during that time. It went so well!! I used some of the stuff that we were taught from our Zone Training!! It totally worked!!
I really enjoyed this week.
The bugs!!!
Well Monday I was getting ready for bed. Walked into my room and there is a cockroach on the wall. I almost screamed. I went and got a swifter and killed it. I just hate bugs..
Also Sunday!! ( yesterday) There was a huge cockroach in my bathroom!! I went and got the swifter again and killed that bug!!
The Souths ( our landlords) Told us that they are coming on Wednesday to come and spray inside and outside. I am so happy!!
Well Thought for the week!!
Helaman 5:30
And it came to pass when they heard this voice, and beheld that it was not a voice of thunder, neither was it a voice of a great tumultuous noise, but behold, it was a still voice of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper, and it did pierce even to the very soul
I just how the holy ghost can't yell at us. That we have to be ready to hear him with his still small whisper!!
Well I love you!! Thanks for all you do!! You're the best!!!
Have the best day of your entire life!!
I sure do love you!!
Sister CharLynn McCulloch
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